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Courtesy of Lea Franke
BarTur / BaseCamp
Photographerof the Year
Investing in our Students' Future
BaseCamp, who provide student accommodation across Europe, want to help student photographers who are in the early stages of their career with cash prizes and support them making work through our residency programme.
Courtesy of Curtis Hughes
BarTur / BaseCamp
Winners 2022
BarTur / BaseCamp Award for Photojournalist of the Year
Jonas Kako: ‘The Dying River’
Winner: Ann Lesley Bar-Tur Award
Michalina Kacperak: ‘Soft Spot’
Winner: BarTur / BaseCamp Award for Climate Change
Nazanin Hafez: ‘Salt of the Lake’
Winner: BarTur / BaseCamp Award for Unity in Diversity
Ian Cheibub: ‘So Far, So Close'
Winner: BarTur / BaseCamp Award for Faces of Humanity
Hossein Fardinfard: ‘Barbara’
Courtesy of Ian Cheibub
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