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Courtesy of 

Ian Cheibub

Climate Change

Ian Cheibub

Universidade Federal Fluminense


Ian Cheibub (b.1999) is a visual storyteller based in Brazil. In his work, Ian tries to understand what are the mechanisms that the people from the Global South develop to survive and how they empower their own narratives through cultural, political, and social tools. As such, his areas of interest are related to human rights, religion, and popular culture.

Ian currently works covering stories in Brazil for international media outlets. His photo and video works have also been published in National Geographic, GEO Magazine, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, De Volkskrant, STERN, VICE, NRC, among other outlets.

Forest Guardians

Montes Altos - Brazil


The Krikati Indigenous Land, located in the Brazilian Amazon, is one of the most affected indigenous lands. The Krikati reserve is one of the nearly 500 recognized indigenous territories in Brazil that enjoy the protection of the 1988 Constitution. However, indigenous lands are being attacked more and more brutally. There are daily reports of loggers, prospectors, and cattle ranchers invading them. They cut down trees, burn vegetation, put cattle to graze, contaminate rivers, kill animals – and if necessary, even people. They violate the law that strictly protects the reserves but which no longer seems to apply to native Brazilian peoples. During the Bolsonaro's government, these invaders have grown since there is almost no action to preserve the Amazon.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the future of the forest is decided in Brazil's indigenous reserves – and the Krikati fight on the front lines. They have created an independent group of 14 men and women called "The Forest Guardians" to protect their forest against loggers and other invaders. They count with no support from the Bolsonaro's government, which watches pacifically the forest being destroyed without action.

This work is a documentation of a period of two months in which I stayed with the Krikati accompanying their raids to fight invaders in their land.

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