Carol Körting
Photo Editor, LEICA Fotografie International
Berlin, Germany
Carol Körting was born in Bogotá, Colombia. She moved to Germany and after working as a freelance photographer, she studied photo editing at the Ostkreuz Schule für Fotografie in Berlin.
She has collaborated as a photo editor at Der Freitag and at Zeit-Magazine in Berlin.
Currently she works as photo editor and scout photographer for magazine LFI- Leica Fotografie International, the independent magazine which features the best Leica photographers.
She has been invited as a curator, to the 20 photographers convention in Veracruz, Mexico in collaboration with the Museum Cuatro Caminos.
Carol has also given talks and presentations about self-promotion tools at the
VII Masterclass in Berlin and in Bilbao at the Basquedokfestival. She was part of the jury team in photo contest organized by Slideluck Editorial, Zenith Magazine, Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards.
www.l fi-online.de